
#8 Social Justice & Desire | with Cara Addleman

Wadham College, University of Oxford Season 1 Episode 8
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00:00 | 30:54

What does it take for us to be free people? How should we think about our desires when those desires are formed by oppressive social structures? Cara Addleman, a third-year Wadham student studying Philosophy, Politics & Economics won the College's Cheney Prize for her essay addressing these questions.

We discuss the ideas and themes of her essay, explore her own doubts about her conclusions, and have a friendly philosophical back-and-forth. 

 Do note that the episode contains some references to sexual assault and abuse. 

You can contact Cara at cara@wadham.ox.ac.uk or in her capacity as a SU Women's Officer at su.women@wadham.ox.ac.uk

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